Wednesday 4 February 2015

I am 18 Years old and I am an Art Student at Leek College, I have a very strong passion towards Dogs and I mainly work using mixed media on my Art work.

 This is a photo of my Dog, she is a Border collie and I originally got her from the Dogs home that I currently work at.

This is a photo of two of the Dogs that are together at the dogs home I work at.
Animal Life Line. 

This is some of my work that I have done

This is a tonal drawing of a pair of hands ripping a heart apart, this drawing is symbolizing heart ache and a break up, its showing emotion, how you feel when something happens in your life and you feel like your heart is being ripped apart.

This skull has been done by using a very soft pencil so that i can get lots of tone on the skull, i have also used a medium pencil to get some of the outlines on the skull.

This piece of work has been done by using charcoal and Chalk to capture the light and dark areas on the skeleton. This was done in one of my life drawing sessions.

This is a pencil crayon drawing where I have used different shades to get the right tone, I also used a soft pencil to get the shape of the hands. I then used a red pencil on the nails to catch peoples eye when looking at the drawing. 

This is a light pencil drawing of a French Bulldog, I have then used words to describe the dog to get the shape of the dog. This is a different type of drawing in the way that the words make up the image.

This is a very dark/Bright drawing, i have used pencil, pencil crayon, ink and black sharpie pen. I have used bright colours to attract the attention to the drawing, then used black bold lines to also add effect to the drawing, this makes it very eye catching. 

This is a very meaningful drawing, I have drawn this for my Friend who had lost her child and this is drawing of the babies feet and her favorite flowers. I have used different sized pencils to add light and tone, then added come colour to the flowers.  

This piece of Work has been taken from 'Tea Party" project. for this i have used thick inks to create the background, then used paint to add the cakes and biscuits. I then added text on top using thick ink so that it stands out on top of the brightly coloured background.  

This is a water colour painting of a frog, this has come from my 'Colour' Project and this was about using one main colour and creating a piece of work from it. The colour i chose was green so i used different tone of green then worked around it by adding yellow and blue to the frog. 

This piece of work i have done at home by using an old book and ripping the pages out and sticking them on an A4 piece of paper. I then used max crayons to get the texture of the bones and the dog. In the background i used blue ink to give a soft feel so the dog and the bones stand out more.

This is an A1 painting of a poppy, this is from my "Buxton" project. I have done this on stretched paper so that the paint goes on the paper better and it looks like a better painting. I have used Acrylic paint because it is very thick and it gives the flower a better effect and you can mix colours easier. 

This is a Painting of a dog that i have done on book paper using water colour paints, Biro and sharpie pen. 

This is a Pencil Drawing, where I have taken an image for a dad and his childs hands together, I have used a variety of Soft pencils to add lots of tone onto the hands so they look more realistic. 

This is a drawing is of a building at Buxton and i have then inverted the image on the printer so that the white turns black and the black turns white so that the building is black and the windows are white. 

This is a pointillism painting where I have used acrylic paint and  a very fine brush. This was from my "Colour' Project and I really enjoyed doing this type of painting.

This is an abstract acrylic painting i have done for my recent project and i have used different colours to give a different effect, i used large paintbrushes to get a rough texture so the painting had more emotion.

This is a water colour painting that i have done on just plain A4 paper and i feel this worked very well. I mainly only used black and white because its a Dalmatian ad i wanted the painting to be realistic. 

This is a quick drawing i have done of bambi and the blue birds, this is from the film bambi and i used soft and hard pencils to get the right amount of tone and detail. 

This is a photo of two little staffie Cross dogs in the Dogs home that i work at. 

This is an image i have taken of my Dog while she was on a walk. 

This is a piece i have done from my 'Tea Party" Project. I have done 12 different tiles using different materials, ink, wax, photoshop, collage, pencil, crayons, paint, fineliner and mono printing. This is showing all the different media i can use to create a very similar image. 

This is a fine liner drawing i have done of my dog, this is for my Recent Project that i am currently doing about my own dog and a dogs home. One is very smooth and the other is rough this is to see the different effects of the fine liner. 

Recently i have used my Dog to create a new piece of work that i have never tried before. I  have used water colour paint and dipped her paws in the paint then got her to walk over 4 sheets of paper so that her feet would leave a print on the page. I used 3 different colours so that my work would be more bright and have more variety of colour. 

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